When it comes to effecting change in areas that need change, I try to spend my energy lobbying at a grassroots level, working with and giving to foundations that are the change makers in our society. There’s a lot to do and I want to do my part in bringing solutions.
But the presidential election is near and I want to say something publicly.
Merriam Webster describes fascism as “a way of organizing society with an emphasis of autocratic government, dictatorial leadership, and the suppression of opposition”.
Donald Trump has been presenting an agenda that fits with the definition of fascism. He has been making remarks that include calls for political violence, suspension of the constitution, censorship of the media, and jailing people who oppose him. He states that he is legally immune to all the current charges against him. He referred to the January 6 insurrection as a “day of love”, where “nothing” was “done wrong”. He speaks of democrats and liberals as “the enemy within” and threatens to use military action against them.
That’s an abbreviated list. All the while he’s unable to articulate any clear policies or solutions to the issues we face.
I don’t know what is more maddening and frightening to me – the fact that he says these things, or the fact that his followers laud him for it.
It’s also worth mentioning that his vice presidential nominee, JD Vance, holds disturbing views about women. He shouldn’t be at the helm either.
Much is at stake – human rights, human decency, diplomatic relations, women’s rights and autonomy, geopolitical issues, steady and intelligent leadership, and preventing further escalation of the climate crisis.
So this is me going on the record. Sounding an alarm that needs to ring out. This is me, in my small way, on my small platform, shouting out a warning.
Giving Donald Trump more power than he already has is a mistake. It’s dangerous. I am grieved and outraged over the excuses being made for his petty, hateful, self-obsessed, power-lusting, autocratic remarks and behavior.
I was driving through a neighborhood the other day and saw a sign that said “Love, not hate, makes America great.
Let it be so.